Healing the

Subconscious Mind

These are the 13 video recordings of the live sessions held on Jan to Mar 2022

It's time to improve every area of your life. It will bring clarity, joy, harmony, purpose, freedom, good health, enhanced spiritual growth, prosperity and more.

I am offering 13 sessions of Healing the Subconscious Mind.

It's time to improve every area of your life. It will bring clarity, joy, harmony, purpose, freedom, good health, enhanced spiritual growth, prosperity and more.

Are you living to your full potential? If your answer is "YES!" That is great.

However if you answer is "NO!." I would ask "WHY NOT?" What stops you from living your full potential?'

The truth is we are "asleep" most of the time and allow our subconscious mind to rule our life based on our beliefs which influence our core values, habits, actions and results. How much trash do we accumulate and store in our subconscious mind from childhood to adulthood?

In our non-conscious moments, whatever we feel, whatever we imagine, whatever thought-forms we identify ourselves with go into the subconscious mind and accumulate there, age after age, year after year, life after life.

Are you living to your full potential? If your answer is "YES!" That is great.

However if you answer is "NO!." I would ask "WHY NOT?" What stops you from living your full potential?'

The truth is we are "asleep" most of the time and allow our subconscious mind to rule our life based on our beliefs which influence our core values, habits, actions and results. How much trash do we accumulate and store in our subconscious mind from childhood to adulthood?

In our non-conscious moments, whatever we feel, whatever we imagine, whatever thought-forms we identify ourselves with go into the subconscious mind and accumulate there, age after age, year after year, life after life.

Most of the contents in our conscious mind which affect our emotions and actions are related to the elements found in the subconscious mind itself.

Examples are fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, revenge, vanity, greed, malice, slander, superiority, negative imagination, excess sexual urges and subliminal recordings.

Isn't it time to unload some of these weights lodged in our subconscious mind?

Isn't it time to empty the trash we have collected throughout all these years/lifetimes?

Isn't it time to reprogram your subconscious mind?

Who is Master Marilag?

Marilag Mendoza is a Master Pranic Healer, international lecturer, teacher, entrepreneur, health and beauty consultant, administrator, and pianist. Her accomplishments as a global energy healer, international lecturer and one of only 8 Master Pranic Healers in the world today have established her as one of the most respected and admired rising public female figures in energy medicine today. Her best value is that she thinks simple and thus everything appears to come easy to her particularly in creating something and making that crucial leap from thought to action. She works quietly, seamlessly and one-pointedly as a catalyst for personal change and establishes a strategy for inner and outer healing and success. She can be proud of many things in her life but nothing beats being a proud mother of three accomplished and loving sons.

What people are saying

"Atma Namaste, thank you so much for the amazing healings. So many things have shifted in my life. I feel as though a fog has lifted. It's as though layers and layers are being peeled off. Before moving here I was running my parents business, representing them on board meetings even traveling to other countries to negotiate and buy products. But, once I got married and moved here something shifted and I started to change. I lost of confidence in myself. Over the last days I have seen the old me resurfacing. I am taking the front seat in my life again. I know it takes time but I am so excited about the process. I have also noticed Issues that I have repressed and some that I didn't even know about have been coming to the surface to be healed. From my family dynamics and a lot of illusions that I held on to, programming from childhood on the role of a wife and mother."

- AA

" Awareness is better…thanks

Anger is better…thanks…but 50% is still there. Please send me details of the repeat sessions, which you were mentioning, for me to enroll in same for more healings.More clients have started coming up…so more prosperity...thanks.Other channels also seem to be opening up..thanks"

- HS

"In the month of June, I had completed my studies. Since July, I had been looking for freelancing projects, internships or assisting opportunities. There were no responses from the other end. As we started the healing of the subconscious mind, I started getting good opportunities and replies for internships and assisting. After the healing for prosperity, I found a job in my desired field of interest and I’m writing this email as I’m on my way to work."

- DK

"I am feeling fantastic, happy and blissful now! I definitely see improvement in all areas of my life. Also, I am more in control of my negative emotions and thought patterns. Lots of new opportunities opened up, especially new ways of thinking and feeling. It was especially meaningful that you addressed my problems in the previous session. It is such a great feeling to be heard by someone. It seems I have never had an opportunity to be understood and cared for in my life. I cannot be thankful enough for this amazing course! <3<3<3"

- OK

"Thank you Master for ur miraculous healing, I am so light like never before around my lower spine area. My meng mein chakra is dancing with joy and freedom. Thank you so much."

- PG

"Thank you so much for offering the Heal Your Subconscious Mind series. It has helped me so much. I feel so much more confidence, joy, peace, inner healing & I have been receiving clarity for several areas of my life where I was feeling a bit lost & uncertain before."

- JW

Healing the Subconscious Mind

This is open for all who want to shift their mindset!

Recordings will be available to you for 6 months

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