We are all chorded whether we like it or not - it is part of living in this world

We live in the real world. We interact and socialize with people of all backgrounds on a daily basis. Some people we get attached. Some people get attached to us. Some connections are loving and harmonious. Some are not that loving.

Some could be out of anger or sometimes even hatred. Some connections could be out of jealousy or enviousness. Some connections could affect our physical and emotional or mental health. Some could even affect our finances. Some people's weight gain or bloating sensation could be attributed to unwanted or unauthorized connections.

Cords contaminate our energy body. It is a two-way traffic. That is the reason why we need to cut cords after each healing. We need to maintain energy hygiene for a healthier body and mind. Cutting and pulling cords should be part or our daily routine.

Time to be free from unwanted and unauthorized connections

We live in the real world. We interact and socialize with people of all backgrounds on a daily basis. Some people we get attached. Some people get attached to us. Some connections are loving and harmonious. Some are not that loving.

Some could be out of anger or sometimes even hatred. Some connections could be out of jealousy or enviousness. Some connections could affect our physical and emotional or mental health. Some could even affect our finances. Some people's weight gain or bloating sensation could be attributed to unwanted or unauthorized connections.

Cords contaminate our energy body. It is a two-way traffic. That is the reason why we need to cut cords after each healing. We need to maintain energy hygiene for a healthier body and mind. Cutting and pulling cords should be part or our daily routine.

You need to be a Pranic Psychotherapy graduate to join this session. Please submit your certificate to certificates.mastermarilag@gmail.com.

I invite you to join me to do self-healing by doing detailed entanglement from all these unwanted and unauthorized cords to feel free from all these bondage that drain your energy in a huge way which can manifest as health or financial problem.

Instructions: Complete payment by clicking one of the buttons below. After submitting a payment, someone from my team will contact you within 24 hours with the confirmation of your payment. If you are having issues kindly contact support@mastermarilag.com

Morning Session:

July 3 (9am to 11am NY EDT)

Evening Session:

July 3 (8pm to 10pm NY EDT)

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Morning Session:

Evening Session:

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